

Spring Clean with Aura-Soma

Posted by Brenda Stanford on 10th Oct 2022

Spring Clean with Aura-Soma

It’s that time of year again, that shift in energy as the daylight hours start to get longer, and the weather warms up.

What is Spring Cleaning and why should we do it?
Often after a wet cold winter, the energy in our homes has stagnated, on a physical level things that have not been aired out may have become damp – causing a musty smell or even mould.
But there is more to it than that…..
We stagnate on many levels, and our exercise routine and diet all seem to go out the window in winter. Our relationships also can feel heavy or more difficult, little things can become big for no real reason.

We need to Clear The Air – physically and metaphorically.

Don’t underestimate what clutter does to your mental health – the more clutter you have the more stress. Clearing just one drawer can help someone suffering from depression. If you find that interesting there are lots of studies available on Google.

Add to that my Feng Shui master friend says – everything you own owns you! – I think of that as having a cord attaching me to the item – do I really want to drag it around? Is it giving back to me or taking from me?

Don’t think you have to do the whole house in one day or one weekend!
1 room, 1 drawer or cupboard or one group of objects is a good start. Do what you can physically and what you can emotionally manage – clearing out is easy for some people, or if you’re like me – it’s terribly hard and quite emotional.

Do try and complete the space you are doing over that day or weekend – pass on the
unwanted items as soon as possible – they do have a way of sneaking back in.
Completing one area at a time is important if you feel stressed by the cleanout, once you complete that area you can relax and high-five yourself for a good job done.

Before you start - Things to keep in mind as you work through clearing.

1, Marie Kondo suggests – Picking up an item – if it sparks joy and you will use it, keep it. If not bless it and let it go. The blessing part is important – it shows recognition of the item and allows you to release it more easily. Especially good if it's an item once owned by a loved one or a gift from a loved one who has passed.
She also suggests bringing everything of the same together e.g. Flower vases, collect them from around your home and bring them all together, now you can see exactly what you have. Once they are all together you can easily see the sizes you have, the ones you love, and the ones you are ready to let go.

2, You may find it easier if you play this game. I imagine I am moving to a faraway town or another country, I need packers to come in to pack and freight my things – it’s going to cost a lot of money, and every item has to be worthy of the trip.
As I pick up an item I ask – would I pay for this to move with me?
If the answer is No then I know I don’t love it, then I ask if I will use it in the next 3 months/next relevant season, if again the answer is No– then I release it.

3. Choose the space you’re going to clear.
Go around the house and find all the things that should live in that area.
Remove what should not live in that area – this is not the decluttering part.

What you need to make it easier.

5 Boxes named Keep, Unsure, Sell, Donate, and Dump.
Cleaning products, gloves and cleaning cloth.
Aura-Soma Air Conditioners -St Germain, White and Green are a good start.
Bell or chimes.
A caring friend to help.

1. Clear the Clutter
As you pick up each item see if it sparks joy, and ask if you would pay to move it.
Then choose which box it goes in.
Some items will be clear where they belong – others not so much.
Some will be - I love this but have not used it – I am not ready to let it go – pop this in the Unsure box.
There is no rule but see if you can aim for 15% of things to go in the Sell/Donate/Dump boxes.
Have someone help you if you can–get them to deal with the boxes named Donate, Sell and Dump.
Using the Air Conditioner St Germain to mist the room while clearing out helps to detach from things that no longer serve us.

Mist 1 -2 sprays of Aura-Soma Air Conditioner St Germain in the room every hour as you move through your items.

2. Clean
Wipe down all surfaces, vacuum and dust. Move what furniture you can and clean behind it.
Corners of the room hold stagnant energy, mist with a spray of Aura-Soma Air Conditioner White or Green.
You can also burn incense or ring a bell in the corner of the room – this helps move the energy.

3. Wash n Shine
This is also a good time to wash any bedding blankets, couch covers, pet beds, curtains etc or put them outside in the sun.
You can also wash down walls and ceilings, replace dead lightbulbs and dust those that are still working and also check smoke alarms are working.

4. Put things back in place.
Remove from the space the boxes – Sell, Donate and Dump.
As you unpack the box Keep and Unsure boxes review each item again – is there anything you can now let go of? Some items may still stay in the unsure box –review these in 3 months or so. Did you use any items? If no then ask again if you can let it go.

5. Intention
Now everything is clean and sparkling and fresh, what intention do you want to introduce?

Love – use Lady Nada* or Pink Pomander
Space –use Green* Pomander
Creativity – use Turquoise Pomander
Joy and playfulness – use Yellow* Pomander
Peacefulness – use El Moyra* or Sapphire Blue PomanderCalm – use St Germain* or Violet Pomander

You can use more than one in each space or in different rooms. All come in 100ml Air Conditioners, those with * also come in 20ml Air Conditioners. Simply mist the Air Conditioner in the centre of the room and allow the energy to fill the space.

6. Moving on unwanted items.
This is often the hardest part - what to do with good things that you no longer want or need.
Ask friends and family to come and take a look and take what they want– price some items that have real value.
Donate – there are many Charity shops that will take your good clean items.
Sort and dump – recycling electronics, paper, and clothing are easy – there are many specific drop-off stations. If unsure your local council or government body should be able to tell you.

7. Ongoing
Use your favourite Air Conditioner as often as you like or when doing the weekly clean. Mist the bed with Air Conditioner St Germain, Green or White when changing the sheets to clear the energy and encourage a good night’s sleep – you will feel the difference.

Now sit down with a nice cuppa in your newly clean space and enjoy the vibe, job well done!