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The Aura-Soma® Incense

The Aura-Soma Incense are an ideal way to cleanse, clear, and energise the spaces you work and live in.    Print Friendly Page

What is Incense | How to select the Incense | Pomander Incense Colours | Quintessence Incense Colours | How to Use the Incense

What is Incense

Each Pomander and Quintessence comes in an Incense, 30 different types in total.

Each incenses comes in a cylindrical tin with wooden incense stick holder and 25 incense sticks. Each stick burns for around 20 minutes, use as often as desired, allowing the subtle sent and energies to waft through your space. 

How to Select a Incense (2 options)

  1. If you have had an Aura-Soma consultation with a Practitioner they would have advised you on the best Pomander or Quintessence for you at this time, you may like to use the same in an Incense.
  2. We recommend you choose your favourite Incense colour -  Let you intuition draw you and/or read the information notes about each Incense.

Pomander Incense Colours/Information Notes

white-circle.jpg #1  White
The Original Pomander
Vicky Wall referred to this as the ‘Original White Pomander. As well as being used with the aura, it may also be used in any space to cleans atmospheres, bring the light in, and renew energies. If purifies and renews, helping us make space for new beginnings.
pink-circle.jpg #2  Pink
Just for love
For Universal Unconditional Love, the warmth and caring that makes everything possible in our life. Emotionally pink brings love, both for ourselves and for those around us. It may be supportive at times when we feel vulnerable and to help us to care for ourselves. Brings about a deep sense of relaxation, harmonises groups and their processes.

#3  Deep Red
The energiser and Protector
Grounding and energising. Helpful for feeling grounded after meditation or any therapy session. Useful for any situation where our energy is depleted.

 red-circle.jpg #4  Red
Balancing the Energies
To help us to overcome the negative effects from resentment or animosity. Reduces shyness and helps to deal with aggression, also good for earth energy work.
coral-circle.jpg #5  Coral
The Awakener
This is a protection of our spiritual Being to give us a greater sense of independence. To offer the insight necessary for inter-dependence, to help us with competition. An awakening Pomander that can bring a deep sense of joy.
orange-circle.jpg #6  Orange
The Regression Protector and Shock Absorber of the Past and Present.
May help us to deal with spiritual shocks and/or fears and balance the aura when we feel ‘beside ourselves’. Orange enables us to let go and accept all that is going on around us. It is related to the second chakra and may have a soothing and calming effect on the is area.
gold-circle.jpg #7  Gold
Wisdom and Self-knowledge
Finding abundance within ourselves, using our wisdom to its full potential.
The Gold relates to the solar plexus where we can feel anxiety and fear. By using this colour we may enable ourselves to accept, receive, digest and relax.
yellow-circle.jpg #8  Yellow
Sunlight and assimilation
Yellow brings the sunshine in – an antidote to feeling  ‘the blues’. Useful in spaces where there is a lack of sunlight, brightens the atmosphere around us. It may help us to be more present and help to ease an over active mind.
olive-circle.jpg #9  Olive Green
Truth and Direction
Olive relates to bringing the wisdom into the heart and to help us find our own way. Improves our ability to remember. Helpful in confrontational situations and difficulties with other people. Excellent for practitioners to clear their space between clients. If helps when we feel trapped or unable to find a clear direction in any situation.
emerald-circle.jpg #10  Emerald Green
Protector of our own Space – The Space Giver
Emerald is for brining peace into our own space helping us to find our own way. It can free us from old ideas and open us up to new decisions. It can be very helpful for clearing jealousy, envy, and other negative emotions.
turquoise-circle.jpg #11  Turquoise
Heartfelt Communicator
Helping us to creatively communicate what we are feeling. This Pomander is for communication, particularly for those who are involved in presentations, teaching, or public speaking, it encourages playfulness, can help to resolve blockages and may protect against stage fright.
sapphireblue-circle.jpg #12  Sapphire Blue
The Communication Protector
Supports the highest communication of love; focusing on our inspirational aspects it can help to overcome feelings of extreme isolation. Deepens the peace within to help us become clearer and more relaxed. When we expend less energy in our own pre-occupations we have more energy available to do what we need to do.
#13  Royal Blue

The Perception Strengthener
Opens us to powers of our imagination and intuition, as well as helping us to access sympathetic emotions. Can help to find detachment from the emotions so that we do not feel overwhelmed by them.
violet-circle.jpg #14  Violet
The Sweetness of Spirit.
The Violet Pomander can help us to open our perception and awareness which may enable us to connect with our mission and our purpose, to connect with that which we are especially our gifts.
deepmagenta-circle.jpg #15 Deep Magenta
The Carer’s Carer
Combining the red and violet energies, this Pomander can be both energising and smoothing at the same time. For those times when we have given all our energy to others and now need to receive caring for ourselves. For living in the present.

Quintessence Incense Colours/Information Notes

blue-circle.jpg #1  El Morya
The Pale Blue Master Quintessence
Thy Will, not My Will be done
Brings a strengthening of the Will and enables us to align with our purpose and trust in relation to our unfolding life. Trusting the inner source and getting in touch with our own authority. Stimulates a feeling of being at peace.
 #2  Kuthumi
The Pale Yellow Master Quintessence
Connecting up Angelic, Human and Devic realms
Invoking positive energies of the future.
The pale yellow points towards enlightenment and self-knowledge. Enhances sympathetic or empathic relationships at all levels and helps to find and understand our place between Heaven and Earth.
pink-circle.jpg #3  Lady Nada
The Pale Pink Master Quintessence
Unconditional Love, The Consort of The Christ
The pale pink (red) the #3rd of the #3 primary colours.
Deep Love. Can improve our capacity to relate, diminishing aggression around ourselves.
emerald-circle.jpg #4  Hilarion
The Pale Green Master Quintessence
The Way, the Truth and the Light
Hilarion helps us to pursue our path, providing access to truth and inner wisdom. It guides into a new direction and a new space to step into the present anew. It assists in supporting the environment.
white-circle.jpg #5  Serapis Bey
The Clear Pearl Master Quintessence
Purification and New Beginnings
Brings Clarity of vision- seeing things in a new and fresh way. It gives depth of understanding into conflict, pain and suffering on any level. Good for helping to let go, overcoming the past and cleansing on any level.

red-circle.jpg #6  The Christ
The Red Master Quintessence
The Awakening Quintessence
Helps to focus our efforts in the right direction, planting our feet firmly on the ground, re-energising us and offering protection along our life path. Regardless of whether our life path is mundane, humble, dramatic or sensational, it will give us the realisation of the connection with a higher source. The greatest aim is to be truly ordinary.
#7  St Germain
The Violet and Lilac Master Quintessence
The Master Transformer
Helps to transform our negative feelings into more positive, supportive and spiritual energy. For caregivers, it helps them to detach and stop outside of themselves, allowing the energies simply to come through. May help with unresolved emotional problems. Useful for therapist doing hands on work, assisting energy to come through them to the client. Also clears lingering emotional problems.

pink-circle.jpg #8  Pallas Athena 
The Rose Pink Maser Quintessence
For Beauty and Aesthetics
Creative expression of love and beauty. Awakening to the beauty in all things. Inspiration for our creative skills, our dreams and visions. Helps us to have a deeper understanding of the energies concerned with prosperity and right livelihood.
pink-circle.jpg #9  Orion and Angelica
The Pink Master Quintessence
The Traveller’s Quintessence
These two great Angels open and close each day. As Orion draws the curtain on our night, so Angelica opens the dawn, gathering impurities and cleansing our negativity as a deep level. Helps to keep all the subtle bodies together particularly when flying over time zones.
gold-circle.jpg #10  Lady Portia
The Gold Master Quintessence
Judge not, that you be not judged
Love and compassion without judgement. Especially if we are hard on ourselves, or over critical, work too hard or if readily judge others. Being merciful with ourselves is true compassion. Where discriminative wisdom is needed and the balancing of all considerations is necessary.
orange-circle.jpg #11  Lao Tsu and Kwan Yin 
The Pale Orange Master Quintessence
The Quintessence that seeks back to the shocks of the past, to free the time line
Helps us to free ourselves from deeply instilled habits and negative thoughts.
Kwan Yin is the Goddess of Compassion, Lao Tsu the Master Alchemist of the past. Helps to understand what lies behind dis-ease, it is often in the patterns of the past.

coral-circle.jpg #12  Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus Kumara
The Pale Coral Master Quintessence
For the deepest levels of issues of dependency and co-dependency and unrequited love
As Above, so Below.
Brings in a special awareness of the Divine Life through our every day life.
The Mother and Father principle at the highest levels. Balancing male/female polarities.
turquoise-circle.jpg #13  Maha Chohan
The Pale Turquoise Master Quintessence
To say, from the heart, what you feel
Maha Chohan – The Greatest Teacher
Teaching through the whisperings of the heart, the connection of the inner teacher. Of particular help if we are working with Crystals. Creates a communication link between our Mind and our Spirit.

emerald-circle.jpg #14  Djwal Khul
The Emerald Green Master Quintessence
The Seeker’s Master
Youngest of the masters.
Can help us to use our intellect whilst being in harmony with our intuition; following our heart and balancing our mind – useful when we need a grounded point of view. If we seek objective truth, knowledge or a “fresh start”, this is the Quintessence to meditate with.
olive-circle.jpg #15  The Holy Grail and Solar Logos
The Pale Olive Quintessence
The Grail is a Chalice of Light
The Solar Logos is the sun, “the Word”, the communication that can come through us when we enter the receptivity of The Grain. Helps us on all levels to bring about transformation in relation to receptivity and unfoldment of the creative feminine intuition within each of us.


How to Use

Please take care when burning the Incense and follow the directions on the tin.

Please Note: For external use only. Keep out of the reach of children. Avoid contact with the eyes. Do not apply to broken, irritated or sensitive skin. Do not use on polished/ painted surfaces.

Made with love and intention by Aura-Soma Products Ltd Lincolnshire England
Available in New Zealand from Aura-Soma New Zealand Ltd