

Air Conditioner Set 20ml bottles x 10- Special Set Price

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Product Overview

Set of 10 x 20ml Air Conditioner/Room Sprays, these glass spay bottles are easy to have with you when you travel or in the car.

Replacement bottles can be bought separately so you can relax and enjoy your favorite one as much as you like, but still keep a full set.

Air Conditioner - Room Sprays

White 100/20ml

Clear the Air Pure White
Cleansing, purifying and protecting, it help clear spaces and bring light into any situation.  Helps to protect the chakras and the whole electro-magnetic field, helping to bring clarity in times of stress.

  • For space clearing, to shift the energy of a space between meetings, when moving into a new house
  • Make your space energetically clean and clear.
  • When wanting to open a space for new beginnings to bring in the light.

Deep Red 100/20ml

Warming, grounding, protecting & re-energising.  Keep your feet on the ground!
When you’re busy and things aren’t about to slow down, or when you feel exhausted for no particular reason.

  • When you feel tired or stressed and need to ground your energy.
  • As a protection in situations that your energy may be depleted.
  • Red relates to the base Chakra and our connection to the earth use to stay or get grounded.

Orange 100/20ml

Uplifting and restorative, a burst of citrus orange is uplifting while also calming. 
Let some fun back in. Relates to the 2nd Chakra - creativity and sensuality. Recover from shock or stress.
In times of shock Orange works on the etheric body, the aura around the body, where shock is stored. It is the shock absorber. 
Orange can restore you to a state of calm and concentration when unforeseen circumstances throw you off balance. 

  • A gentle pick-me-up that can leave you feeling refreshed and ready to face your next challenge.
  • This essence to let go of the negative effect of past trauma.

Yellow 100/20ml

Like fizzy lemonade Yellow brings back the fun, sunshine and joy.
Bust those sad blues with a burst of uplifting citrus yellow!
Yellow brings back the sunshine enabling you to resist negativity, fear or anxiety.
Digest or assimilate new ideas, or study 
Yellow relates to the 3rd Chakra - the diaphragm or belly, it’s where we digest or assimilate things, ideas and concepts. Ideal in times of study.
Brings a fresh perspective and a new understanding to any situation. With better understanding, fear and anxiety are reduced. Thus aids in building Self Confidence, Courage, and Strength. Helps to ease an over active mind.

  • In times of anxiety, stress or tension, to give a greater understanding.
  • To lighten the mood and allow clearer thinking.

Emerald Green 100/20ml

Protector of our own Space – The Space Giver
Emerald is for brining peace into our own space helping us to find our own way. It can free us from old ideas and open us up to new decisions. It can be very helpful for clearing jealousy, envy, and other negative emotions.
Green gives us the feeling of more space, and allow us to connect back into our heart of hearts.
Green relates to the 4 th Chakra - the heart - open the heart to love and to feel more. 
With expanded space we can feel ourselves breath again, giving us clearer thinking, and more peaceful emotions.
Helpful when you need to disconnect from others, e.g. between clients, in an office full of people or when the house is overcrowded!
When selling a property, Green opens the space for new energy to come in, and allows you to disconnect from the old, so the new can come in for you also.

  • For when you need your own space for decision making.
  • When entering new environments.
  • To connect to the heart of things.

El Morya 100/20ml

The Pale Blue Master Quintessence.
Thy Will, not My Will be done
Brings a strengthening of the Will and enables us to align with our purpose and trust in relation to our unfolding life. Trusting the inner source and getting in touch with our own authority. Stimulates a feeling of being at peace.

  • When you want to connect with your true direction.
  • To bring deep peace.

Lady Nada 100ml

The Pale Pink Master Quintessence
Unconditional Love
The pale pink (red).
Deep Love. Can improve our capacity to relate, diminishing aggression around ourselves.

  • To bring in a feeling of love and nurturing into any space.
  • At bed time – like a hug in a bottle – ideal for children, one mist above the bed is enough.

Serapis Bey 100/20ml

The Clear Pearl Master Quintessence
Purification and New Beginnings
Brings Clarity of vision- seeing things in a new and fresh way. It gives depth of understanding into conflict, pain and suffering on any level. Good for helping to let go, overcoming the past and cleansing on any level.

  • When you want clear thinking, and a understanding of the bigger picture.
  • When your ready to look at what really needs to be done.

St Germain  100/20ml

The Violet and Lilac Master Quintessence
The Master Transformer
A touch of Spirit - Awaken again to your true self 
The essence of the pale violet -St Germain of Transformations  and Transmutation.
Transform like the butterfly and awaken again to yourself .
Calming and restorative on the emotion.  
Transform old thoughts and patterns to create a new positive reality today.
Violet relates to the 7th Chakra - the crown, your connection with your divine self and spirit. 

  • To aid the transformation of old thought patterns, clear your space to allow new positive energy in. Brings in the touch of loving spirit to calm and nurture.
  • To trust your inner wisdom.
  • To connect to you inner spirit of all knowing.
  • To invite the divine into your life now.

Orion and Angelica 100/20ml

The Pink Master Quintessence.
The Traveler’s Quintessence
These two great Angels open and close each day. As Orion draws the curtain on our night, so Angelica opens the dawn, gathering impurities and cleansing our negativity as a deep level. Helps to keep all the subtle bodies together particularly when flying over time zones.
Embrace a New Beginnings, & a Clean Ending with Orion & Angelica 
When its time to start again, bring closure to the past and embrace the new, with loving calm peaceful energy.
Clear negativity and expectations giving the possibility of synchronicity and inspiration to flow. 
Invokes a peaceful loving energy, so you feel restored and ready to start again. 
Also great for high speed travel, i.e. Jet Plane travel, assists in keeping the subtle energy bodies, those fields around the physical body, together - so one can arrive complete.  Apply before, after and during flight as often as needed.

  • When you are starting a new project or relationship.
  • Finishing a project or relationship.
  • To avoid jet lag. 


2-3 sprays per room is sufficient to change and invoke the new energies.  It is not a matter of saturating the room with the smell however tempting but rather to feel and recognise the subtle every shifts.  Very difficult energies may need repeat spraying over several hours to assist in a complete energy shift.  Repeat every 2-3 hours as required or desired.

Please Note: For external use only. Keep out of the reach of children. Avoid contact with the eyes. Do not apply to broken, irritated or sensitive skin. Do not use on polished/ painted surfaces.