

​Coping with Catastrophe

Posted by Brenda Stanford on 24th Feb 2023

​Coping with Catastrophe

#06 Orange Air Conditioner 100mlB26 - Etheric Rescue / Humpty Dumpty
Orange / Orange#026 Pocket Etheric Rescue

Coping with Catastrophe

How Aura-Soma® can help.

Many areas have been devastated in recent times by earthquakes, fires and weather catastrophes. The effect on individuals and their communities has been immense with physical, emotional, financial and psychological suffering. The aftermath has been overwhelming and stressful, leaving individuals feeling shocked and helpless. Coping with the shock and stress after a catastrophe requires taking care of both your physical and emotional well-being.

In Aura-Soma® the tools we first reach for in these events are the Orange products – the shock absorbers!

Why? Because Orange takes the shock out of the etheric body- clearing it before it gets into the physical body where it can do long-term damage. If the shock is old or immense and has moved into the physical body then Aura-Soma can help with that also.

The particularly useful products are the Orange Pomander and Orange Pomander Air Conditioner for initial shock and upset, and the Equilibrium bottle 26 orange/orange Etheric Rescue, if the shock has entered the physical body the Etheric Rescue bottle does wonders at putting us back together again.

The Aura-Soma Orange Pomander or Orange Air Conditioner is a blend of essential oils and plant extracts designed to create a calming and uplifting atmosphere, it clears the aura of shock and stress. It can be used in a variety of ways, using the 25ml Pomander on your palms and wiping it around your aura, or using the room spray around your home. You can share these with others. The orange scent can help to lift your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

Equilibrium bottle 26 orange/orange Etheric Rescue is a powerful tool for emotional balancing. Using a 50ml bottle – sometimes more than one bottle is required, it works deeply to clear shock and trauma. It contains a blend of herbs, oils and crystals, which can help to restore balance and harmony to the body and mind.

More importantly, bottle 26 is also known as the Humpty Dumpty, as in the children's nursery rhyme, or Etheric Rescue. When we experience a shock there is potential damage to the auric field – an egg-shaped field around the physical body. This damage can make us feel off balance, or out of sorts, and drains our energy. This damage does not go away of its own accord or over time, it needs to be addressed and can be worked on even years after the initial shock. You use the bottle for yourself or use the Etheric Rescue bottle to share with others.

The colour orange is associated with creativity, joy, and optimism, making it an excellent choice for those experiencing shock and stress.

Here are some tips for coping with shock and stress after a catastrophe using the Aura-Soma Orange Pomander or Orange Air Conditioner.

1. Focus on your breathing; sit comfortably and use the orange pomander or mist the orange pomander air conditioner around you 1-2 mists, as you centre yourself start by slowing your breathing – increasing the length of the out-breath and the pause between that and the next in breath.

When you are feeling overwhelmed, managing and slowing your breathing can help to calm your mind and reduce feelings of anxiety. Inhaling the scent of the Aura-Soma Orange Pomander can help to enhance the calming effects of controlled breathing.

2. Create a calming atmosphere: Use the Aura-Soma Orange Air Conditioner to create a calming atmosphere in your home or workspace.

3. Practice self-care: It is important to take care of your physical and emotional well-being during times of stress. Taking care of yourself gives you the energy to take care of others. When you can, make time for activities that help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated, like taking a warm bath, practising yoga or meditation, or spending time in nature, remember to eat the best healthy nutrient-rich food you can get.

4. Connect with others: It can be helpful to connect with others who are experiencing similar feelings after a catastrophe. You can share your experiences, talk about your feelings, and provide support to one another. Use the Orange Pomander in a group setting, like sharing in a circle, or use it to offer support to friends and family.

Using Equilibrium #26 50ml Etheric Rescue or 25ml Etheric Rescue – there is a particular way to use this product. Please ask your practitioner or stockist. Essentially it is applied down the left side of the body and around the waist – using all of the contents of the bottle over a few days, sometimes more than one bottle is required and it is recommended to follow its use with the Equilibrium 87 Pale Coral/Pale Coral.

In conclusion, coping with shock and stress after a catastrophe can be a challenging experience. However, tools like the Aura-Soma Orange products can help to ease the emotional and psychological strain of the experience. By taking care of your physical and emotional well-being, creating a calming atmosphere, practising self-care, and connecting with others, you can begin to rebuild and heal.

If you are still struggling to cope after a few weeks then do seek help– start with your family doctor or health care practitioner who can assist you to find the support you need in your local area – this is not something you have to cope with on your own.